About Henry's Cuisine
Henry’s Cuisine was founded by two extraordinary individuals; Henry Tu and Henry Chau. Their mission is to build a modern restaurant that showcases the rich culinary flavors from around the world.
Inspired by the diverse community in Los Angeles County, Henry’s Cuisine aimed to create an environment of serene ambience paired with exquisite flavors at affordable prices. Additionally, Henry’s Cuisine offers a variety of dishes composed of Asian and Western ingredients that satisfies all taste buds.
Exceeding the standards of fine dining, Henry’s Cuisine has made it their mission to maintain the quality of their food and to focus on delivering exceptional service so that all their customers have an exceptional dining experience.
Anything but Ordinary!
擯棄了燕翅的富豪設定,廚藝全力以赴的走親民價位,希翼為顧客帶來最無所超值的美味佳餚;同時,依然一絲不苟的堅守 “高級餐廳”的標準。堅信食材是菜餚美食之本,嚴格把關、精選上等食材,不計成本;極度重視菜餚風味,不斷精益求精,只為提高最美味的料理和最滿意的用餐體驗。